úterý 20. prosince 2011

Fw: BREAKING: No benefit of Aliskiren added on to ACE or ARB: a Disappointing development

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From: "UKidney.com" <info@ukidney.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:57:56 -0500
To: Roman Kantor<ledviny.cz@gmail.com>
ReplyTo: UKidney Staff <info@ukidney.com>
Subject: BREAKING: No benefit of Aliskiren added on to ACE or ARB: a Disappointing development

No benefit of Aliskiren added on to ACE or ARB: a disappointing development

In a stunning development, Novartis said Tuesday that it will terminate the late-stage ALTITUDE study investigating Rasilez (aliskiren) in patients with type 2 diabetes and renal impairment on the recommendation of an independent data monitoring committee. The company indicated that the committee concluded that "patients were unlikely to benefit" from the addition of Rasilez to standard anti-hypertensives and also identified higher adverse events in this group (source: FirstWord).
On a personal and professional note, these results come as a great disappointment to me. Not only does it suggest no further protection for our patients prescribed this strategy in an effort to reduce the burden of cardiorenal disease, but I was a great believer in the hypothesis and taught about it extensively throughout my career.
Read more here

10.1.12: Aktualizace: odkaz na dopis, který nedoporučuje kombinovat přípravek Aliskiren s ACE-i nebo AT1 blokátorem: SUKL

úterý 13. prosince 2011

Nejúčinnější prevence

Nejúčinnější lék a prevence na řadu nemocí? Co může nejvíce změnit vaše zdraví? Co snižuje riziko artrózy kolen o 47%, progresi Alzheimerovy nemoci o 57%, snižuje riziko progrese komplikací cukrovky o 58%, snižuje riziko zlomenin kyčle u postmenopauzálních žen o 41%, snižuje úzkost u mužů o 48%, snižuje výskyt deprese o 30 až 47%, je nejlepším lékem únavy a zlepšuje kvalitu života? Je to pohyb, půl hodiny denně, ještě lépe 1 hodina denně.

Video na youtube publikoval Dr. Mike Evans